In a world of marketing that too often turns to the artificial, the cookie-cutter strategies and worse, the same-same Insta-bland advertising, you’d be right in thinking things have gotten a little impersonal… us too.

We’re not robots pretending to be humans. Or an app that scrapes the internet for what’s done before. That’s just a bit lazy. We don’t prescribe to artificial intelligence but rather, human intelligent. Unique thinking with humankind in mind.
At Balance, we put others before ourselves, like all the best people do. But we’re not subservient by any means. For us, it’s all about that celebrate the things that that make us distinctly human, like honesty, empathy, belonging & curiosity.
We are honest with our clients and our clients’ brands relationship with the world.
We are empathetic. We take the time to listen and understand people. We do right for them, not just what’s right for now.
We are the place where people belong and champion the place our client’s brands belong in the hearts of people.
With human-kind always in mind (not just being kind-humans) we are interested in the human condition, so much so that we can influence human behaviour, for the better.

Our people are real
Almost too real sometimes. But that’s absolutely ok. Because they are the sort of humans that value great relationships above everything. It leads to even greater, more effective work. It’s also their individual passions that make them who they are. Chances are you might have something in common.
Our values
Our values
Be the kind in
One of the strongest values of being a human is empathy. Without it, we are lonely, cynical buggers. Cynicism will age you faster than anything. Empathy is understanding others, relating to and acknowledging whom they are. Being empathetic is the best path to great relationships and ultimately great, effective work.
Live Curiously
Curiosity didn’t really kill the cat. It made it smarter: more what not to do rather than do. When you’re curious, you’re open to the possibilities (like above). We are already curious beings at Balance, experts on everything thrown our way, for 5 minutes. And if you’re not curious about what could be or learning something new, you may as well give up. Nothing more to learn for you.
Brutal Honesty
At Balance we have policies. Some are dry, some procedural. But the policy we hold dear is the ‘honesty policy’. Yes, it’s a thing. Honest with ourselves, honest with our clients and in turn our client’s brands being honest with their consumer. Sometimes advertising can be less than honest. Most of the time we make shit up. Honesty might be hard to face sometimes, but sweet Jesus it works. So, give them nothing to hate, and you may just be respected for it.
Be hard on the work, not on the people
You know ‘good’ is rarely ‘good enough’. You know what’s ‘right’ for ‘right now’ might not be right in the long run. But that doesn’t mean you need to be a dick about it. Bikes are made for riding. People are not. That just creates friction. Be hard on the work and let the work create its own good friction out there. That’s means being creative for a purpose, not just creative because you can.
Walk in their preferred footwear
While you don’t have to do this literally, but to understand humans and the human condition, try putting yourself in their place. While you can’t be them, you can understand where they’re coming from which in turn helps them to where they need to go. Just wear something ‘comfortable’ on the journey. No new shoes. They cause blisters.
Our Happy Friends
Our Happy Friends