Country Racing Victoria
As real as it gets
TV | OOH | Radio | Digital | Print
Country ‘heartbeat’ and showpiece of Victoria’s regional economy, our longstanding Partner (since 2010) Country Racing Victoria needed a new expression and story to its local and city supporters. Our campaign line “As Real As It Gets” was an answer to the challenge of covering the many reasons behind our audience’s passion, pride and sheer enjoyment of their “a day that’s got it all”, across 67 clubs across Victoria.
The incredible spectacle of real life, up close racing action. The country races as an almost uniquely social occasion for everyone. The country races as a rare sort of day in today’s pressure cooker world – where you can really and truly relax. All the great things about Country Racing Victoria are assessed through this prism.
A refreshing, dynamic and powerful campaign which places CRV at the forefront of Victorian racing and Tourism. Striking photography, bold typographical treatments and a visual feast of up close footage in both film and digital. Campaign Development across all traditional media including TV, Radio, OOH and print. Other activity included Brand Development, e-Com Digital Strategy, Channel Planning, Creative Rollout (ATL/BTL, brand & network), Paid Social Management, Website UX, Reporting across all channels (organic & paid).